Novice and End-Users:
- Create unlimited styles of reports and mailing labels in just 5 steps!
- Change you mind after creating and saving a report? No problem, just click 'edit'
and make changes.
- "Smart filtering" depending on the kind of data in your columns, enables you to
get just the data you want.
- "Smart formatting" guesses column widths, page margins, orientation, and even font
sizes based on your data.
- Elegant formatting options such as row and/or column shading, lines, and even add
your own logo!
- Sum or average columns, group results by common values, count records, etc.
- Easy export buttons to quickly analyze your report with Excel or send to Word.
Developers and Administrators:
- Installation is painless! Simply import our Access objects into your own Access
database. No dll's, no ActiveX, no registry headaches - no problems!
- Works in runtime environments too, allowing your users to build ad-hoc reports without
needing to build queries.
- The only report writer that enables your uses to not only create and save, but edit
them later with both the wizard or Access!
- You configure the writer on what data you want to expose to the user for reporting.
Simply choose which tables and queries.
- Complete source code is available and well documented in case you choose to modify
to suit your needs
- Royalty-free licensing allows you to distribute the ARW as part of your application.