Order Gladstone's Access Report Writer (ARW)
For all versions of Microsoft Access (97,2000,2002,2003,2007,2010, and 2013)
Please follow these steps to downloading and configuring this product.
- Click the following link and choose 'Open': arwado15.zip
- Click "Extract All Files" and note the location that you extract the file to (you should extract to your Desktop).
- Verify that the ARW works correctly by double-clicking to open the file in Microsoft Access (any version).
- Once you are satisfied that the ARW works correctly, close the ARW and open your own database application (you should have or make a backup of your own database application before continuing).
- Import all ARW objects (Tables, Queries, Forms, Modules) into your own database by selecting External Data>>Access, then locating the original ARW file (arwado15.mdb).
- Locate and double-click on the Module "arw_Report_Wizard_Constants"
- Select Tools>>References.
- If "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects...(any version number) Library" is not checked, scroll down to locate the newest (largest number) version and place a check by it. Newer versions of Access will have and should use "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.0 Library". DO NOT CHOOSE "(Multi-demensional)" if listed. Click OK and close the Editor Window.
- Verify that the ARW works correctly by opening the form "frm_Report_Wizard" and creating a report.
- Once you have verified that the ARW works, you may now assign queries and tables that the ARW can use. Do this by opening the form "frm_Report_Wizard_Administration". In the "record source for reports" type the name of any table or query that you want to report over. Type the name that you want this to appear as in the box next to it. You may delete the other sample sources by clicking the grey box at the left of each row and pressing the Delete key. Click Apply (if enabled) and OK. You are now ready to use the ARW.